
Today, I have been thinking about working in the area of legal translation. It would be something I would like to try, something I could do as a freelancer and it would allow me to study law, at the same time as I am working. I am volunteering at the present moment, as a translator…

Vocabulário Coreano para Café / 카페 한국어 어휘

Music for a cup of coffee and a book 😉 커피 – Café 에스프레소 – Café / Bica / Expresso (Portuguese people just say “coffee” to refer to an espresso) 라떼 – Café com leite / Galão 카푸치노 – Cappuccino 카페 모카 – Café Moca 아메리카노 – Abatanado (the Portuguese tastier version of americano) 녹차 – Chá verde 핫초코 – Chocolate quente 우유 – Leite 두유 – Leite…

Café :)

Hoy voy hablar de una de mis cosas favoritas, que es el café. Yo no puedo vivir sin café. Me encanta su olor, su sabor y la sensación de confort que me trae cuando lo tengo bien caliente en mis manos. Me gusta especialmente beber un café calentito, en los días de lluvia, cuando estoy…